10 Reasons why Leather Jackets are Cool
Leather jackets or even simple biker jackets are the coolest, that’s a given. No questions asked, right? But if you still need to be convinced, this simple list of why leather jackets are the coolest in the world is sure to convince you!
1. Leather Jackets Are Super Fashionable
Leather Jackets and biker jackets are miracle workers. They are made to make you look like you are ready to walk down a ramp of a fashion show. It sounds like a whole lot of exaggeration but honestly, they are the most fashionable jackets in the whole world! Wear any leather jacket, black, brown or even a red biker jacket and you’re sure to get some heads turning. Try it, wear one and walk down the street someday, count how many people turn heads, you’ll be surprised at the number!
2. Leather Is Edgy
Leather jackets are pretty darn edgy; no matter where, when or how you decide to wear them. They are the coolest jackets ever and will always look a class apart. Why don’t you try something: Go to google images and search for “Edgy style” and most of the images will have people wearing leather jackets. See, it’s as simple as that. Leather is the edgiest material alive making them the coolest jackets EVER!
3. Leather Jackets Are Vintage Yet Extra Chic
Leather is vintage yet chic. It represents an old school style with a somewhat contemporary feel. It allows you feel connected to the past and the present. You can call leather the easy way to time travel!
4. Leather Jackets Were Actually Designed For Fighter Pilots
Yup! You read that right. Leather Jackets came into style later. They were initially created specially for military pilots. They were the real military clothing. Imagine how important leather was back then; military clothing that protected the most fierce men at the time and made them look exceptionally heroic!
5. Leather Jackets Were Used For Protection During World War
During the world war, most airplanes didn’t have an enclosed cockpit which meant pilots needed to wear something that would keep them super warm. Hence, the US army started a clothing board back in the day which gave heavy-duty leather flight jackets to the officers. These leather jackets had high wraparound collars, zipper closures with wind flaps, snug cuffs and waists while some were lined with fur! They kept the force warm, protected them and made them look absolutely stunning all at the same time! How freakin’ cool right? Aren’t leather jackets are getting cooler by the second!
6. Leather Jackets Are A Hit Fashion Statement In Hollywood
Leather jackets have been there for a long long while and so has hollywood and its influence on fashion. Dating back to the 1953’s during The Wild One, Marlin Brando made a fashion statement that is everlasting. Joana Jett, Debbie Harry and Kate Moss, have worn leather jackets during the 70’s, 80’s. 90’s to this day. This goes to show that leather jackets will always be the coolest of the lot!
It doesn’t stop there. The list is extremely long. Emma Watson, Hugh Jackman, and the man of every girl’s dreams, George Clooney are all fans of the classic leather jacket!
7. Musicians Wear Leather Jackets & Look Hip
Music sets the mood and so do leather jackets. The Ramones, The beatles, Elvis, Madonna are all the gods of music. They create music that is passed down from generation to generation and never get old. Just like their taste in music; their mutual interest in pulling off the leather jacket fashion is timeless. Wouldn’t you want to look as majestic as the gurus of music?
8. The Smell Of Leather Is So Bloody Addictive
The smell of leather can well fall in the category of a legal drug. Not literally of course, but it is SO addictive and refreshing. Once you fall in love with the smell of leather; you won’t need any more convincing because come on, leather jackets smell the best!
9. Leather Jackets Are Both Formal And Casual
Leather jackets are the best mix between a formal and casual style. You can pair it with anything you like to uplift your overall look. Pair it with jeans and your leather jacket becomes casual and wear it alongside a formal pair of dress pants and voila! You’re ready to look like the boss! This makes them cool and classy all at the same time.
10. Leather Jackets Are Timeless - Always In Style
Ordinary jackets have certain seasons that they usually look good in but that’s not the case with leather jackets. They are made for a timeless fashion style and season. During the summer, wear a fully perforated leather jacket with no lining allowing you to feel cool and look cooler. During the winter, on the other hand, you can wear a leather jacket with a warmer lining. The ball is in your court with the leather jackets. You wish to look hot, cool, formal or casual and that’s exactly what you’ll look like with a timeless leather jacket.
Too Cool For School
The ball is in your court with a leather jacket. Hollywood stars, musicians, pilots and even the military during the world war wore leather jackets. Leather jackets don’t restrict, they liberate. They are the fashion symbol for something that is everlasting. You can’t ever be too cool to wear a leather jacket because they are the definition of cool.
Take a look at an unlimited possibility of leather jackets from the Leather Jacket shop; don’t you wish to be break free and look cooler than ever?