8 Signs That You're Crazy About Leather

Leather obsession is real. Here’s a test to find out if you’re crazy about leather. Leather is addictive and we won’t judge you if you show signs of leather addiction. We might judge you if you aren’t addicted to leather yet. Test yourself to see if you really are crazy about leather! Don’t be surprised if we know too much about you.
Ready, set, go!
1. You Know The Difference Between Real Leather And Fake Leather
You’re such a huge leather enthusiast that you can tell the difference between real and fake leather simply by the touch of your hand. You can feel that PU, Faux, and genuine leather aren’t actually real leather. You read the product description and never believe anyone if they talk about “Genuine leather” because you know it's a scam! Only real leather made from animal hide/skin (cowhide, sheepskin etc) is real leather. No one can fool a leather expert like you!
2. You Can Identify The Types Of Leather
You have ample knowledge of leather. This means, you can identify the types of leather with ease. You know that full-grain leather is used to make shoes or furniture and the best leather for jackets is top-grain leather. You don’t ever buy genuine, bonded or faux leather because you can simply touch a piece of leather and identify its type. Even a picture is worth a thousand words in this situation, you know exactly what you want when you see it!
3. You Love The New Leather Jacket Smell
Leather smells spectacular. Everyone know that. No matter what, there is no question in the fact that the smell of leather stays with you, redefining your memories. You will always remember what leather smells like because it is such a distinct smell; something that you MUST love if you’re a leather enthusiast! Your frown turns upside down the moment a new leather jacket arrives with the super-addictive smell of leather.
4. You Know How Cool Leather Jackets Are
You LOVE leather jackets. You know that they never run out of style. They are your staple clothing no matter what you pair your leather jacket with, you must own at least one prized possession in the form of a leather jacket. You were once fascinated by the fact that bomber jackets were made for fighter pilots or that leather jackets were used for protection during the world war. Your look is never complete if you aren't wearing a leather jacket because you’re a cool person and leather jackets are just as cool!
5. You Can Differentiate The Different Types Of Leather Jackets
You know which leather jacket belongs to what category. You can simply look at a jacket and know what it's called. Not every jacket is a “leather jacket.” A true leather lover knows the difference between a bomber jacket, a cafe racer jacket or a double rider jacket. If you know which one’s which, you’re most definitely addicted to leather!
6. You Look At Pictures Of Leather Jackets And Bags All Day Long
Yup! You read that right. Social media is filled with options to drool over. If you truly love leather, you MUST drool over pictures of leather jackets and bags all day. The internet is an encyclopedia of leather products. A true leather lover is sure to spend countless hours swiping through pictures of leather jackets, bags and all other leather products.
7. You Spend Hours On Pinterest Making Boards With Leather Products
Pinterest is such a fun place to collect images and favorite products as you make boards. It can waste time and make you want all kinds of things. One of the biggest proof that you’re crazy about leather is that you spend hours on pinterest making boards with leather products. If you’re guilty of doing that or even liking pictures of leather products on instagram or facebook to the point where you’re almost obsessive then you, my friend, are crazy about leather!
8. You’re Thinking Of The Smell Of Leather Right Now!
OHHHH! THE SMELL OF LEATHERRRR. MY MY! Isn’t that something that gets you going simply by imagining it? Gah! The smell of leather. It’s hard to get over. You’re thinking of the smell right now, aren't you? Yes you are!
We’re sorry to inform you that you’re crazy about leather, and there’s no way of getting back to the normality of life anymore. You are addicted and the best way of getting over your leather fetish is by browsing through some more leather jackets!