9 Rules to Follow When Wearing a Leather Jacket

No leather jacket style is a wrong style but still, people may need some assistance with their newly bought leather jacket to enhance their overall look. It’s amazing how little amount of effort and attention to details can take your style to a whole new level. We have penned down nine of the most important rules related to a leather jacket that you must consider while buying and wearing one.

3 Colour Rule
One of the biggest mistakes that people can make is to add too many or too little colours into their overall leather jacket attire. The best idea is to match your jacket with your shoes. As the most popular colours are brown and black when it comes to a leather jacket, its easy to go with the black shoes or brown ones. You can match your footwear with the shirt as well i.e. white pair of trainers. But don't go with more than three colours in your outfit because it might ruin your whole look.

Get A Real Leather Jacket
There might be a little difference in the appearance of a real or fake leather jacket at the time of buying but after a little while, a fake one would start to show its real quality. Tearing and scratching would make you regret your decision. Which is why paying some extra bucks for a real leather jacket is always a sensible idea for the long run.

Get The Right Fitted Jacket
What’s the point of having an extraordinary leather jacket that you spend a fortune on if it doesn’t fit properly? One thing you must know is that a leather jacket is supposed to be a little tight initially as it stretches a bit after wearing it once or twice. So make sure to check the shoulders, sleeve length, chest, waist and the overall jacket length by trying it on before buying one. When shopping online, check the size guide.

Let The Front Open In Summer
Some people treat their jacket as a formal outfit and get so used to keeping it that way that they don't experiment with it. In winters, the common style is to keep the zipper fastened accompanied by a neck scarf. However, in summer, just a t-shirt paired with the leather jacket with an open front would go perfectly.

Try Different Types Of Jacket
There are so many different types and styles of leather jackets that you can wear a new one for each day of the month. So let your wardrobe go crazy and grab a bomber jacket for parties, moto jacket for a biking adventure, biker jacket for a casual ride, leather coat for a day at work and so much more. Each one contains different characteristics and is made out of different types of leather, some are heavier, others are light in weight.

Experiment With Your Jacket Attire
Leather jacket is the most versatile piece of clothing mankind has ever witnessed. You can pair it with any outfit that comes to your mind and it will look exceptionally well. An oxford shirt, turtleneck sweater, sweatshirt, V-neck sweater or a plain black or white t-shirt, a long dress or a skirt, leather jacket goes well with all of them.

Don't Forget To Accessorize
Men are often reluctant about the accessories but contrary to popular belief, men can enhance their overall look by adding an accessory as well. It doesn’t have to be jewellery, you can just opt for a hat, sunglasses, a laptop bag or a neck scarf. Women, on the other hand, carry a purse, necklace or a bracelet to take your fashion statement up a notch,

Store Each Color Separately
Whenever you’re putting your leather jackets in a place to store them for an entire season, make sure to sort them according to the colour to maintain the charm and texture for a long time. Never place dark colour jackets with the white ones.

Remove The Stain Right Away
Washing a leather jacket is a bad idea which is why dry cleaning it is a common and recommended practice. People usually don't feel the need to clean it for a whole season which is harmful for the leather. No matter how excellent the quality is, your leather needs moisture to be hydrated and maintain its texture. So a regular cleaning and conditioning will remove the tiny stains from your jacket and will smoothen it as well.