How To Soften A Stiff Leather?

Leather comes from animals and is kept in its natural form to make leather products. The delicacy of leather requires special treatment which is why knowing more about its types and ways to clean it are important. Only by taking proper care, one can save their leather jacket from becoming stiff, dry or dehydrated.
Why Leather Gets Stiff?
Leather can get dry if it loses its moisture. Natural leather contains human skin qualities which is why it is crucial to keep it safe from extreme weather conditions. Too much sun exposure can cause this issue or extremely cold weather can cause the leather to stiff. There are a number of ways to save yourself from dealing with this issue.

Prevent Leather From Getting Stiff
If you know enough about leather before actually buying a leather jacket, you can save yourself the trouble of going through ways to fix the stiffness. This is where your research pays off, because leather comes in different types, some are natural, some are treated with chemicals, some go through an extreme tanning process.

Quality Of Leather
Before opting for a leather jacket, you must know about the types of leather that are available in the market. Cheap leather may not be as reliable as you’re like. Real leather, on the other hand, is much more durable. Regular conditioning and moisturizing can make a good quality leather last a lifetime.

Avoid Sun Exposure For Too Long
Leather can become stiff due to dryness caused by too much sun exposure. Just like human skin, leather also needs protection from extreme weather conditions. Some people often hang it in the sun to get rid of unpleasant smells which is a bad idea.

Dry Clean Your Leather
Never ever make a mistake of cleaning your leather like other regular clothes. There are special cleaners available in the market dedicated to leather products, use them. Leather can be water-resistant to some extent but you should avoid washing it. Dry cleaning the leather jacket properly at home or having a professional do it is always better.

Conditioner (Specifically Made For Leather Jackets)
Don't use any cleaner or conditioner/moisturiser on your leather jacket. It can do more damage than good. After dry cleaning or once every 2 months, make sure to treat it with good quality products as it can make the leather soft and help you get rid of the stiffness. If you’d like your leather jacket to look as good as new for a long time, you must take care of it.

Olive Oil
Rubbing olive oil on your leather jacket can help make it soft and moisturised. But make sure to use cotton or a soft piece of cloth for this purpose. Try to test it on a small patch before applying it on the entire jacket. Leave it overnight and you’ll get rid of that uncomfortable stiffness in your jacket.
Leather jacket is a piece of clothing that most people but once in a while as it is an ultimate fashion outfit that goes well with almost every style. That’s why keeping it as good as new for a long period of time is important. Extreme weather conditions and wearing it regularly can cause it to get a bit stiff but don't worry, it is totally curable.