What Is Bicast Leather?

Thanks to modern technology, we are able to split layers of a hide with so much ease and effectiveness without damaging the leather. Top-grain and full-grain and two of the strongest layers of a hide, other than that, the underneath layers come together to form Bicast leather. It is not nearly as durable as the other two hence the extreme tanning, sanding and finishing process is used to make it more wearable and long lasting. It can easily be said as a leather by product that comes from split leather. To a common person who doesn’t know much about the leather can easily confuse it with real leather.
Is Bicast Leather Durable
Leather in all its natural form is durable and long-lasting but the bi-cast leather is made from split leather and to make it wearable, it goes through a process which involves chemicals and other elements. It may look too good to be real with those uniform grains and plain surface. But beware and don't let anyone mislead you. Bicast can last as long as 5-8 years if taken proper care of. So if you’re looking for a long term and sensible investment, go for real leather.
Products Bicast Leather Is Commonly Used For
Bicast leather is quite popular in fashion as well as the furniture industry. Initially, this type of leather was used for the manufacturing of footwear but soon was adopted by the makers of leather furniture. Less durable household items used for home decor. Leather trays, wall hangings, belts and wallets etc.
Is Bicast Leather Real Leather?
To some extent yes, bicast does contain a portion of leather that is real, however, bicast cannot be termed as real as it would be misleading. Some people may find it confusing but those who know a little bit about leather and its types can easily tell real leather from impure, bi-cast leather.
How To Protect Bicast Leather?
Bicast leather comes from animal hide and that contains characteristics similar to human skin. So firstly, make sure to keep your bi-cast leather protected from water and sun exposure. Secondly, use cleaning products that are specifically made for leather followed by a conditioner and a leather moisturizer. This will keep your jacket, bag, furniture or other accessories as good as new for a really long time.